What to Expect in Your SAEM Session. 


Before Our Session

Once we have had our introductory call and you have filled out your intake form (but prior to our actual session), I will ask your permission to make a thought form of you (which is a representation of your subtle anatomy) and assess some of the issues we may address in our time together.

The Human Energy Structure can hold issues, blocks, traumas, imbalances, disturbances, and no longer useful patterns of response and behavior.

This prior assessment of your subtle body will allow us to most effectively determine what you might be ready to release, and what may be the arc of your personal journey right now.

During our session, we will do a number of clearings, alignments and procedures, allowing you to feel more spacious, and a deeper ownership of your own experience and potential.

In Our Session

In our first session, we may initially spend some extended time in conversation, as we get to know each other.

I use a dowsing rod, dedicated to this work, as a check and correct tool to support my sensing skills.

After each piece that we do, there will be a closing protocol using specific energies to support the integration and stabilization of the work we have done together.

After Our Session

It is recommended that you schedule some relaxing time after the session to give yourself space to integrate the healing.

Everyone is unique and has an individual response to healing work.

Honor any signals you receive from your physical body. Here are three additional suggestions to support the integration of your own healing:

  • Take a bath in equal parts sea salt and baking soda (1/2 cup and 1/2 cup or 1 teaspoon and 1 teaspoon) in a warm tub or rinse in the shower with a large plastic container filled with a mixture of water, sea salt and soda.

  • Eat a high protein meal.

  • Drink more water than usual.

Follow up

At the end of our session, we will schedule a brief follow up call within the next week. The duration of this call is usually between 10 to 15 minutes and it is included in the session fee. If it needs to be longer than this, you may need another session.

Please be in touch within the first 24 hours after our session if you feel you may need additional support to integrate the healing.